
2920 Calgary Trail N.W. Suite 111, T6J 7C2

Telephone: (780) 465-CORA (2672)


鼎鼎大名的早餐店 Chez Cora 在EDMONTON開張了,本來上星期就要去吃,但是去吃了豬雜鍋,昨天臨時決定今天早上八點就要去吃,讓早餐真的是早餐,不然每次起床出去吃飯晃一晃回家已經快傍晚了, 週末就這樣過去了.

起個大早,哇~餐廳已經幾乎全滿,在門口小等10分鐘. 漸漸漸漸, 人越來越多,不到九點就已經排出門外,排到停車場去了. 週一到週六早上六點就開門,下午三點就打烊, 看來想吃要請早,不然就一兩點再來. 整個餐廳明亮的黃色,小太陽插畫,可愛的塗鴉文字,讓人心情很好. 今年Chez Cora 已經在全加拿大開了一百家店,到底是什麼樣的魔力讓這間早餐店可以這麼火呢? 下面是Chez Cora 的一點小小的簡介, 想要知道更多的朋友請上他們的官網看看.


The first Chez Cora restaurant

In May 1987, Cora bought a defunct snack bar on Cote-Vertu Road in the Ville Saint-Laurent district of Montreal and embarked on a venture that would take her further than she'd ever dreamed. After only a few months of operation, Cora, the kitchen magician, transformed the little snack bar into a whole new breakfast concept in Quebec, which specialized in fruit, cheese, cereal, omelettes, pancakes, and French toast.

Inspired by family traditions, customer requests and suggestions from her children, Cora created new breakfasts, which blended the best of traditional breakfasts with new health food trends. Cora improved upon her traditional breakfasts and conjured up more than 100 new ideas.

These inventive new breakfasts were complemented by a colourful, child-like illustration on the walls of her Cote-Vertu snack bar. This playful imagery later became her signature logo in restaurants throughout her future chain.

The little snack bar in Ville Saint-Laurent soon became such a huge success that Cora's children had to leave school to help her with her burgeoning business. After only a few months of operation, Chez Cora became the breakfast destination of choice.

Her philosophy: “Ingredients and a service of the highest quality. Offer your clientele the best and they will come back. If we serve the best breakfasts in town, will they go elsewhere?” Cora wonders.

By then, word of mouth had turned Cora's into a popular breakfast spot and its reputation for inventive breakfasts soon exceeded its ability to serve the demand. The family decided that mom would open a second Cora's, while the children would manage the snack bar in Côte-Vertu. In February 1990, a second Cora's opened on St-Martin Blvd. in the Laval district of Montreal. The new restaurant generated a lot of press and confirmed the concept's success. A few months later, with the help of a former colleague, Cora opened a third restaurant that was three times bigger than the first two. That was quickly followed by five more restaurant openings. The Cora family of restaurants just kept getting bigger and better, especially with the addition of new business partners, which Cora's own family personally trained.


去之前當然是充滿了期待, 他們官網做的非常可愛, 圖文並茂, 非常的吸引我, 尤其更有我以前魁省的朋友們背書. 朋友都問我說,你以前住在montreal,沒吃過嗎? ㄟ~沒有啊~你覺得那個年代的我會起來吃早餐的嗎? 早上五點有上床睡覺就很好了,好嗎? 還吃早餐咧~ 而且想當年我小時後,本人還沒有染上"嗜吃" 的惡習, 當年本人可是一百磅以下的夢幻兩位數的體重呢!!! 好了~算了~好女不提當年瘦~



Fruit Cocktail


Western Omelette

建議不要點這個,因為他就是煎蛋罷了,並不是三蛋包料,切一刀還有香濃起士流出. 你如果期待是傳統的歐姆雷特,應該是會很失望.


Egg Benet Dictine


Egg in a Skillett


Bacon Panini Crepe 





吃完其實也並沒有失望,只是還是有點空虛,空虛的原因也並不是因為他不好吃,但是其實也沒有讓人太驚艷. 吃吃覺得這東西好像自己也可以做的出來,我點的是 Crepomelette,其實我覺得跟我自己在家用墨西哥薄餅做的蛋餅其實差不多味道耶! 那個黃黃的醬汁是 Hollandaise Sauce, 我在紐西蘭美女的家有看到食譜,有興趣的可以去參考看看. (按這裡)

東西很美麗很漂亮倒是真的~~~ 但是對我家男人來說,他坐下來,菜單翻個兩頁,就翻白眼說,這裡哪有東西可以吃 ??? 全部都是水果啊?!?!?! 整間店放眼望去,果然陰氣十足,很多桌都是兩個或一群女人來吃,不然就是family,完全沒看到只有男人來吃的. 看來沒肉沒油,裝潢娘裡娘氣的+幼稚可愛的地方,是很難吸引像我家那種大老粗食肉目的. 哈哈~而且還有另一個讓我家齊大爺倒彈的是, 不是早餐店嗎? 咖啡真是沒水準! LATTE 也沒有TASSIMO泡出來的好吃~ 挨唷~所以你沒看我點的是fruit cocktail 嗎? 就像上次瑪莉吉兒到樂園點咖啡,卻期待是像第二杯的水準,是一樣的強人所難啦~

我想除非是女人家+家眷的聚會,(女人需要燈光美氣氛加,東西只要漂亮不難吃,心情就好了),下次我們要醒晨吃個老粗飽,應該還是會去樂園那種地方吧?! 只是好遠......


Her philosophy: “Ingredients and a service of the highest quality. Offer your clientele the best and they will come back. If we serve the best breakfasts in town, will they go elsewhere?” Cora wonders.

By then, word of mouth had turned Cora's into a popular breakfast spot and its reputation for inventive breakfasts soon exceeded its ability to serve the demand. The family decided that mom would open a second Cora's, while the children would manage the snack bar in Côte-Vertu. In February 1990, a second Cora's opened on St-Martin Blvd. in the Laval district of Montreal. The new restaurant generated a lot of press and confirmed the concept's success. A few months later, with the help of a former colleague, Cora opened a third restaurant that was three times bigger than the first two. That was quickly followed by five more restaurant openings. The Cora family of restaurants just kept getting bigger and better, especially with the addition of new business partners, which Cora's own family personally trained.
    創作者 齊小瑪 的頭像


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