人家可是有頭有臉有身價的 MAINE COON 呢!! 中文叫做緬因貓!!!
我馬麻有在網路上找到其他緬因貓的照片唷!!! 真的長的跟我好像唷!!!
你看!! 是不是跟我很像!!!??!!!
我馬麻為了要查清楚我到底是不是MAINE COON,她還到Wikipedia上面找MAINE COON的資料呢!!
Maine Coons are very large and energetic cats. (你看嘛!!!還說人家胖,人家本來就是大隻的啊!! Large, Very Large 有沒有看到!! 人家真的沒有特別胖好不好!!不要再冤枉我了啦!!)
The most common color/pattern in the breed is brown with tabby markings. (咖啡色,有虎斑條紋? 明明就是在說我!!!)
They share similar facial markings, for example, a distinct "M" shape on the forehead. (這個M我也有,真的真的!! 你看~ 我額頭上的M很明顯吧!!)
Maine Coons have medium-long, dense fur, with longer hair, or a ruff, on their chests. (長長的胸毛嗎? 有有!!我有很多!! 你看!!LUC叔叔把我的胸毛拍得多美呀!!)
The fur is generally very soft. (恩~我的毛是真的很柔軟~而且還會吸味道,我馬麻如果燒香,我就是香的味道,如果炸排骨,我就是排骨味,家裡點蠟燭,我就是蠟燭味 >_< )
Maine Coons have long hair on the backs of their legs (called pantaloons or britches) and between their toes which helps to keep warm in the cold. (這些特徵我也都有耶!!)
They also have bushy plumed tails and broad, angular heads, squared-off muzzles and wide-set ears topped with tufts of fur.Maine Coons have large ears, which can be tipped at the end with fur. This is a common trait of a Maine Coon, giving them their Lynx-like appearance. (這些我也都有,像松鼠般的大尾巴,耳朵長毛,呵呵)
Maine Coons can be very dog-like in their behavior.(喔?我不是本來就是狗嗎?)
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